After the development of R2R, RAM Structural to Revit connection tool, I wanted to make an E2R, ETABS to Revit connection tool. Below are some screenshots of the newly developed tool.

I made a youtube video on how to use the tool here. This video goes in depth on each button and things to look out for while using the tool.

The tool will be available on the Autodesk App Store soon hopefully and freely available to download and test out. Please let me know if you encounter any bugs as you use the tool.

The tool works to check ETABS beams vs Revit beams and is ideal for large steel framed structures in ETABS to quickly backcheck framing sizing and discrepancies between ETABS and Revit.

The Coding - More To Come

ETABs Revit C Sharp MVVM

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  • Latest Comments
  • retug on Transfer Diaphragm Design -

    Hi Muhamad,

    Feel free to shoot me an email if you want to discuss anything diaphragm design related.

    You can also drop your insights in the comments too, similar to what e95kwon has done. I now transfer diaphragm design matching his and NCSEA's recommendations.

  • Muhamad on Transfer Diaphragm Design -

    Hi guys, interesting topic. I have a good knowledge on diaphragm design. would you be interest to have a meeting to discuss things further? 

  • marcello on RAM API - Cracked -


    I’m glad you found the class helpful on learning how to access the RAM API using dynamo.
