web dev Post

Website Creation - Part 1

While this website will mostly focus on items in the architecture, engineering, and construction (AEC) field, I figured I could start with posting about how I made this website.

This website was created with the Django framework (a term I just learned throughout this process). It seems to be popular among ...

Website Quality of Life Updates

The website has three updates

  1. New (hopefully easier to view) layout
  2. Slugified URLs
  3. Images that enlarge on click

1 - New (hopefully easier to view) layout

This one was by far the hardest for me to achieve, but hopefully makes the site easier to read on mobile. I ...

Website Database Scare

On Decemeber 10th, I logged into my website to be greeted by a scary error message

I had not done anything to the site, so I figured something bad more than likely happened.

The work week was busy, so I was not able to start ...

Website Updates

I made a few updates to the site, mostly focusing on updating the home page sidebar to have some actual information. The old side bar was just place holder text from the tutorial I found, but the new side bar is populated with the last (3) comments made on the ...


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